The spectacular maiden voyage of the "Laja"
A breathtaking adventure awaited the crew of our brand new Isla 40 "Laja" on her maiden voyage. Shortly before the Strait of Gibraltar, the "Laja" was at full speed on her way to the base in Can Pastilla on Mallorca, when the initially calm and relaxed voyage suddenly turned into an exciting encounter with a group of orcas.
The crew was enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the open sea when all of a sudden a group of curious orcas appeared and harassed the catamaran. Despite the initial shock, the crew members kept their cool and reacted quickly and calmly. The skipper was prepared for such a situation and the crew scattered sand in the water, which scared the whales away after some time.
Fortunately, no one was injured and the Isla 40 "Laja" suffered only minor damages. After this exciting incident, the catamaran and crew reached the base in Can Pastilla safe and sound.
Background: In recent years, there have been increased attacks by orcas on boats along the Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic coast. Marine biologists suspect that this is due to changes in the animals' behavior, possibly caused by factors such as overfishing, climate change and noise pollution.